Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 13: Family Fitness



              My son went to hockey class this morning then spent another 45 minutes on the rink just playing with others in the Capitals Iceplex.  They gave me ice skates as well but I don’t know how to skate so I opted to watch and cheer from the sidelines.  I’m glad that he found a sport that he enjoys.  Most importantly, it’s nice to know that we support each other’s endeavors.  After his skating class, it was my time to work out at Kazaxe class.  I love dancing so I’m delighted to shake it and burn off calories at the same time.  It was so nice to see others from the Bootcamp Challenge too.  You can see everyone’s commitment as we set aside time to work out rather than just lounge around during the weekend.
            I decided to make pasta for lunch and I didn’t burn it!  I successfully made whole wheat penne pasta with sweet tomato basil sauce and turkey meatballs.  My son who dearly encourages me with everything (even with my cooking impairment) actually asked for more.  Either the meal turned out well or he was just really hungry.  Nonetheless, the best part was watching him enjoy the meal.  I just love how he sucked up the pasta sauce creatively.  I will definitely try to incorporate veggies next time as suggested by Maia. 
             We had another family dinner at a Thai restaurant (one of my fave foods) for my brother’s birthday.  Oh, another challenge with food choices!  I tried a little bit of everything but only had small portions.  I know that depriving myself of something will just make me want it even more so I was conscious about the serving and will have to add more time to work-out to burn off the calories.  My son and I decided to play Wii sports when we got home.  He beat me in tennis and boxing while I beat him in bowling. 
         I always keep my visions in mind and do my best to be healthier every day.  Today, we celebrate for prioritizing physical fitness, no burnt food, and an enjoyable evening with the family.  For all of these things and more, I’m always grateful.      

Yummy whole wheat penne pasta

Dinner at a Thai restaurant

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