Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 3: Cooking and Core Challenges

Oatmeal - what's left of it anyway
     One of my goals for the Bootcamp Challenge is to eat healthier and include more veggies to my meals.  I'm unfortunately cooking-impaired.  It's not because I don't try.  I actually try but it just doesn't turn out right.  I couldn't even prepare my oatmeal correctly this morning and that's with the use of a microwave! It kept overflowing so I only had half of what I was supposed to have. I've known all along that this is something I had to work on. I hope that I'll learn to cook healthier meals through my coaches' suggestions and with the help of an easy-to-use technology.    
     As for today's bootcamp class, I enjoyed the cardio burst, leg exercises (my fave), and yoga stretching. Sweat kept dripping on my mat just ten minutes after we started. I'm also really glad that we focused on the core area in various ways since it is my biggest problem. I should really do more of the core exercises everyday (even for just 10 minutes in the morning) to gain strength.
     Through it all, I'm grateful for having the chance to improve my health/physical fitness today with the help of the Bootcamp coaches who keep encouraging us, the smiling faces from everyone who is in the same journey with me right now, and the positive words from family and friends.  Thank you, and have a well-deserved good night rest!


  1. MAY!!!!!!! DO NOT LOSE HOPE in the cooking! I did the SAME thing, I swear this AM, which is why it's so hilarious!!!!! Don't worry, we are going to have a cooking secession soon.

    HUgs, Maia

  2. I'm looking forward to the cooking session! If all else fails, I may just find and marry a chef. LOL.
